

Photo Album 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Tourist Infos

What one can do on holidays but wearing clothes he would never in "regular" life and act stupidely?
Well.. I act stupidely also in regular life but anyway.. you got my point ;)


Stef and his collegue at work Agostino at Pacha: well, I generally hate all Accenture people (that's not a work.. it's professional slavery) but this man is dead funny :)
and unlike what it seems from the pic is also beautiful.. ;)


Me and Stef... wow, I can even look tall like this ;)!


Damn.. I had to cut the pic.. but my scanner is crap so this is the result.. definition zero. and this time.. it's not a good thing ;)


And here's me "caught" with my other big passion of summer food.. Ice Creams!!!!!!!!!!
Mine was just one of those actually, the big Coconut one, absolutely delicious;)
But I could have easily eaten ALL the three big cups, I just cannot resist to ice creams...:)