

Photo Album 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | Tourist Infos

Hope you liked my series of pics testifyin my great Summer time :)
I can just add I was really pleased with everything, I felt really good and I was again taken by a furthermore level of warmness by those who were with me all the time, and especially Stef of course.
Thank you for letting me be part of all your lives people showed here with me, and to those I won't see till next summer.. well we have phones and mails and letters so... stay supercool!!!!!!!!!!
Luv you again :)


Could it lack a CAT in my series of summer friends? No way of course :)
This is Luisa's elder lady cat, and in her villa's garden every year I find a furthermore generation of kittens :)
No need to point out how much I like the garden, eheh :)


And here I am with Luisa and again Cosima :)
another GrandAunt and again the GrandMa of Stef :)
God how I love these ladies.. :)
Pity they seem to not like straight the pose ;)
"Camon.. VOGUE" !! :)


Two final pics after the night at theathre seeing Pam and Elli's acting teacher doing a three acts with Pirandello, Brecht and Maupassant showed :)
Ah: to Elli's teacher: I could never appreciate a man as old as you are, and I don't fall easily under artists promises :)
God. people can be so unecessarily arrogant sometimes...


Thank you for all the great time you've made me live...
See you next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kisses kisses Kisses :)