HOW TO JUDGE A SONG To sing with others is ne of the most easy way to have fun together. But why music seems to have such a great power over people? Of course songs exist to us to hear them. ALSO for that... and you, d'you have particular needs?You like more or less everything, or do you have preferences? Can we form a critical spirit towards songs? Just like any other epiphany from human skills, a song too has to communicate a message. Every song does, but are we capable to get it? How can we discover then if a song is beauty or not? Well just for starting we could try to know better how a song is created. Averagely a song lasts around three or four minutes: but at tehe first simple idea, there start to be attched like in a chain, lots more things. Often there are several roles involved, which can be taken also from the same one, though: the leit motiv ideator, the lyricist, the man of arrangements, the sounds engeneer, the band, the singer... All these contributors can equally make a song great, or yet get it more pauper than before it was developed.Cos what can make good a song is originality and these dayas this lacks so much is untrue. A song it's like a recipe made of several things and the more each of them are original and tasteful, the better is the song. Listen to the song, the intro of it.. and ask yourself if it's interesting, if it's catchy... And how's the outro? Decades ago all songs used to finish the same way, but time after time the taste has got way more needs, so never let yourself easy pleased. And ask yourself too what happens between the intro and the outro: there's something unexpected there, shaking you or it's the same leit motif repeating itself over and over? The accompaniment then, it's something which goes um-pa, um-pa from start to end or is it based over various rythm? Is it the melody always isolated oris it enriched from other melodies like interweaved with it? Are there chords making "light" for the main melody? Then the number of different instruments are there for making noise or they have values in themselves, for making the song more expressive? Now the voice, such a basilar thing in every song nothing can substitute it: if it's bad, even the best song is bad someway. To define the style of the singer and to decide if it fits the song, the words and the melody is one of the basilar things. Always remember that there are artistical values of composition betwen a melody and a voice, but also that it exists the value of the contrast. But ask always yourself if the singer has style or if he's just coarse, is he genuine and personal or pedestrian? And moreover, are you able to understand which image of himself he wants to communicate while he sings, and if he's able to achieve his aim? And finally the lyrics: how deep are they, how personal and unconventional, or otherwise how easy to relate to but not totally the same old soup neverthless? Are they touching, surprising, can they suggest feelings and reactions to you or have got they just some refrain in to be sung alongside them? These are just some advices but follow them and you will be able to start to like songs in a deeper way. It's always a personal thing cos the perceivement of beauty changes often due to personal experiences, and moreover in music, pop music especially we can love something for memories we have of the "environment" we were within hearing it. You'd be also surprised on how many "stealing" not only from past pop songs, but from classical melodies are in current hits. Just for saying that this is not only a behaviour taken by pop producers though, think that the famous theme of Eurovision is taken from a 1600 composition! Who would have thought it? :)